10 years of experience as a journalist, editor and copywriter.
Bilingual: Spanish and English.

Writing and editing of commercial, accessible, informative, and specialized texts.

Advertising copy.

A good text requires more than just “knowing how to write”. It requires knowing how to write for a specific audience, with a defined goal, with the right vocabulary, and above all, with professionalism that is the result of specialization and experience.

Commercial texts, including slogans (which reflect the character of a brand), claims (which express the benefits of a product or service) and taglines (which summarize the premise of an ad campaign in a single phrase) require special attention in order to achieve their aim of attracting attention and calling people to action.

Web texts must be adapted for search engines, structured in a specific way, and respect the functionalities determined by the code developer.

Texts that need to be presented in several languages benefit from being written by a single person who is fluent in the languages in question instead of being translated.

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