• Specialist in professional editing of texts (copy editing and proofreading).
  • Specialist in proofreading and editing of translations, localization and transcreation of texts (European Spanish, neutral Spanish, American English, British English, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese).
  • Experience and specialized training in the editing of packaging, including application of European regulations on the labeling of consumer products.
  • Proofreading of final artwork and documents for prepress.
  • Creative naming and analysis of linguistic viability for brands and products.
  • Linguistic quality assurance.


  • Journalism
  • Degree from Universidad San Pablo-CEU (Madrid, Spain).
  • Professional editing
  • Diploma from the Cálamo y Cran center (Madrid, Spain).
  • Copy editing
  • Diploma from the Cálamo y Cran center (Madrid, Spain).


  • Senior copywriter - El Corte Inglés Creative Department (Own Brands area). (October 2010 - November 2014).
  • Editing of texts and proofreading of final artwork for packaging and labeling of El Corte Inglés Group’s own brand products: over 50 brands in total (food and hard goods).
  • Editing in three languages and proofreading of translations: European Spanish, European Portuguese and British English.
  • Adaptation of texts in European Portuguese in accordance with the Portuguese Language Orthographic Agreement of 1990.
  • Application of European regulations on the labeling of consumer products.
  • Translation, linguistic consultancy, and analysis of linguistic viability for brands and products.
  • Creative naming: over 150 product naming proposals accepted and marketed; five registered trademarks.
  • Transcreation of commercial texts (European Spanish, European Portuguese and British English).
  • Editing of the group’s newspapers, presentations, mailings, catalogs, advertising spaces, public announcements, advertisements and mini radio programs.
  • Participation in ad campaigns and the creative process: branding, slogans, claims.
  • Close collaboration with the Quality, Art Direction, Final Artwork and Graphic Production departments.
  • Regular collaboration as a proofreader and copy editor (Rioplatense Spanish) for Status: primera revista virtual de improvisación teatral, Buenos Aires: Global Impro Argentina. (August 2014 - Present).
  • Translator of the Manual de gafas Safilo (EN>ES) for Safilo Group. (November 2014).
  • Proofreader of Del salto al vuelo: manual de Impro, 3rd ed. México D.F.: Ed. 1mprotour, November 2013, by Omar Argentino Galván. (August 2013).
  • Brand namer: Kwalat, organic chocolate. (June 2012).
  • Translator and linguistic consultant for IBF Programs, an Android app development company. (December 2011).
  • Regular collaboration with El Corte Inglés as a proofreader and copy editor. (August 2009 - October 2010).


  • Copywriter of real estate presentations for Inversiones Villar, S.A. and Inversiones Soba, S.A.’s Gosa building and Vega Norte complex. (July 2012).
  • Web editor and copywriter of texts in Spanish and English for Inversiones Villar, S.A. and Inversiones Soba, S.A.’s real estate website, altosdelamoraleja.com (Levitt Park 3). (May 2012).
  • Web editor and copywriter of texts for advertisement verification and monitoring company M-Fact!’s website. (November 2011).
  • Collaborator with the Spanish Army as a journalist and communications assistant. (October 2011 - Present).
  • Writer - Boletín Informativo Tierra (Spanish Army). (February 2008 - June 2009).
  • Writing of articles, reports and interviews, and coverage of press conferences and official events.
  • Coverage of on-site maneuvers and participation in international exercises.
  • Relations with instituational media.
  • Updating of intranet content.
  • Writer - InformaNews Iberia publishing group. (June - December 2007).
  • Writing of articles and reports for technical magazines InfoPower and InfoEnviro.
  • Writing of news pieces for the technical magazine InfoDomus.
  • Technical translations (EN>ES).
  • Monitoring and selection of press releases.
  • Documentation and archiving.
  • Updating of databases.


  • Designer of the poster for the improvisational theater show Improtónica (performance by students of the Impromadrid Teatro school). (November 2013).
  • Press officer for the Non-Commissioned Officers Association of the Spanish Civil Guard (ASES-GC) (writing, layout, and management of one issue of Suboficiales magazine and one issue of ASES magazine, among other tasks). (November 2009 - February 2010).
  • Designer of résumés. (November 2009 - Present).
  • Voiceover for the institutional video of the XLVI edition of the Spanish Army Awards. (April 2008).
  • Account executive for the agency Zulú Comunicación. (February - April 2007).
  • Communications assistant in the Press Office of the Spanish Army’s Communication Department (Office of the Chief of Staff of the Spanish Army). (June - December 2006).
  • Relations with media and institutions (national and international).
  • Assistance with external consultations.
  • Writing of press releases.
  • Coverage of press conferences and official events.
  • Creation of press kits.
  • Updating of intranet content.
  • Documentation, file management and updating of databases.
  • Preparation of daily press summary archive.
  • Updating of internal file (intakes, departures, discharges)
  • Communications officer for Tax&Law Abogados law firm. (October 2005 - April 2006).
  • Creation of newsletters.
  • Management of external and internal quality surveys.
  • Contact with clients and suppliers.
  • Brochure design and document layout.
  • Updating of web content.


  • English: Very advanced.
  • Proficiency: A (C2) (UK English).
  • TOEFL (627) (eq. CBT 263; iBT 108) (US English).
  • TWE (4.5) (US English).
  • TSE (250) (US English).
  • Portuguese: Advanced.
  • CELPE-Bras: Avançado superior (C2) (Brazilian Portuguese).
  • DIPLE (B2) (European Portuguese).
  • French: Intermediate.
  • M6.
  • DELF-1.
  • Sign language: Intermediate.
  • First level of Spanish Sign Language at Centro Altatorre de Sordos (Madrid, Spain).
  • Italian: Basic.
  • Eight months of study at the Complutense University of Madrid.
  • Modern Hebrew: Basic.
  • Eight months of study at the Complutense University of Madrid.


  • Website editing and translation course at the Cálamo y Cran center (Madrid, Spain).
  • Food labeling course: European and Spanish legal framework, labeling of food products, nutritional labeling, health and nutritional claims; by Silliker Ibérica (Mérieux Nutrisciences).
  • Seminar on nutritional information tolerance limits, by Silliker Ibérica (Mérieux Nutrisciences).
  • Seminar on the editorial process conducted by Marcos Almendros, founder and director of Ya lo dijo Casimiro Parker publishing company.
  • Film and television script translation course, by the CSM Traducciones center.
  • Three years of Hebrew Philology studies at the Complutense University of Madrid.
  • Narrative workshop conducted by Espido Freire at Espacio Nautilus.
  • Literature and literary analysis course, by the SER center.
  • Seminar on true crime, by Hotel Kafka. Aimed at writers and journalists, and conducted by professionals in forensic, police and judicial fields. Development of technical, scientific, medical, criminal and psychological topics.
  • Social media and netiquette course, by the Alianza para la Formación Empresarial.
  • War correspondent conference, organized by the Spanish Army War College. A week of lectures and activities: preventive healthcare and first aid training, mine and IED awareness, NBC defense, off-road driving (sand, water, mud, slopes, v-ditches, lateral slopes), and other protection techniques in the area of operations.
  • Radio broadcasting course, by the Comunicación y Práctica center.
  • On-camera performance course, conducted by Christopher Geitz.
  • Continuous training in improvisational theater.
  • Year-long introduction to improv course, conducted by Ignacio López and Jorge Rueda (Impromadrid Teatro).
  • Creation of improvised formats, conducted by Will Luera (ImprovBoston).
  • Improvisational theater and clowning, conducted by Allan Benatti (Jogando no Quintal).
  • Transformation, narrative and characters (Johnstone method), conducted by Frank Totino.
  • To improvise is to tell stories, conducted by Ignacio López (Impromadrid Teatro).
  • Omar Argentino as a trainer of trainers, conducted by Omar Argentino Galván (Improtour y MadridImprovisa).
  • Intensivo IMPRO con ImprovBoston, conducted by Will Luera (ImprovBoston and Doctores de la Impro).
  • Year-long intermediate improv course, conducted by Ignacio López and Dani Llull (Impromadrid Teatro).
  • Johnstone Method, (advanced), conducted by Jorge Rueda (Impromadrid Teatro).